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RHNA 4th of July Parade, Picnic, and Fireworks!

Sat, Jun 29


Fort Worth

Join us for a fun filled day on June 29th to celebrate the 4th of July! We will have our morning parade at 9am along Clayton Rd, and we will kick off the evening celebration at 7:30pm with America's Favorite Cover Band, POO LIVE CREW, on the Luther Lake bridge!

RHNA 4th of July Parade, Picnic, and Fireworks!
RHNA 4th of July Parade, Picnic, and Fireworks!

Time & Location

Jun 29, 2024, 9:00 AM

Fort Worth, Luther Lake, Fort Worth, TX 76116, USA

About the Event

RHNA 4th of July Update!  1. The RHNA Event will begin at 730pm and end when the Luther Lake fireworks show begins. 2. Wristbands are not required for the Luther Lake fireworks show. RHNA will leave barricades up after our event as a courtesy to, and for the safety of, those who come to enjoy this wonderful fireworks show and just as always, all are welcome to come enjoy. 3. The city's rules haven't changed—the parade permit will still say that throwing candy from vehicles is prohibited. But, that's the only prohibition I have seen listed in prior permits. I don't know if they are going to add "objects" to the list. Either way, we are just here to let you know what the city says—what you do is up to you. I'm certainly not wearing a badge… . 4. Poo Live Crew is going to start playing at about 730pm and play until the fireworks begin. We want the public who is planning to come for the fireworks show to have time to grab a spot, so after about 845pm (or thereabout) wristbands won't be needed or required to cross the barricades. 5. Wristband distribution/pick-up—details still being finalized. Members receive 2 free wristbands. But, if a member has more than 2 adults in the household, each adult receives a free wristband. 6. I learned when I was investigating this "no throwing stuff in parades" thing that only donations are allowed for parades, so if you paid when you registered and don't want it to be a donation, please let Justin know so he can refund you! Being in the parade is free.  We are still about a month out from this awesome event, and as more details are finalized we will be sure to announce them. We have a few other fun things we are still working out, but I hear some additional fun things are being looked at for the event. 😉


Join us for a fun filled day on June 29th to celebrate the 4th of July! We will have our morning parade at 9:00am along Clayton Rd, and we will kick off the evening celebration at 7:30pm with America's Favorite Cover Band, POO LIVE CREW, on the Luther Lake bridge! This is an event you and your families do not want to miss!

**This is a family-friendly BRING YOUR OWN beverages, snacks, chairs, & coolers event.

Parade Details

Parade along Clayton Rd. E&W

Start: 9:00am (parking lot next to RaceTrac)

  • Participants MUST Register to be in the Parade
  • Sponsors - you will be automatically registered for the parade unless you tell us otherwise.

CHALK the Bridge!

Any time between the Parade and Picnic, please come help us create a (washable) CHALK mural on the bridge wall!

Picnic & Fireworks Details — Donate to support the Luther Lake Fireworks tradition! Venmo @lutherlakefireworks-1

Picnic and fireworks on Luther Lake Bridge.

Start: 7:30pm

  • Adults must have a wristband; MEMBER wristbands are FREE - additional adult wristbands available for purchase at $10/band. ORDER & PAY HERE.
  • This event is a BYO event (bring your own cooler, chair, beverages, and snacks—it's a family-friendly picnic and party).
  • POO LIVE CREW will be playing so be prepared to laugh and dance with your friends and family!
  • Coolest Cooler Contest: Line up your decorated coolers along the bridge wall. Party-goers will be able to cast their vote for the Coolest Cooler from 8:00–8:30pm. Winner announced at 8:45pm!
  • Fireworks by our lovely Luther Lake neighbors will wrap up our celebration and begin shortly after sunset!

Does your Business want to Sponsor this Event?

Click HERE for information on sponsorship levels and how to become a Sponsor!

We look forward to seeing everyone!


RHNA Executive Board


Have Questions?? Email the RHNA at

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